Festive Opening Hours

Please see below our Christmas and New Year Opening hours.

If you have not place your Christmas Order, we will have a limited counter service, but would recommend contacting us 24hr before collection. 

Please be patient as we will be working as quickly as we can to serve all our customers.

Friday 20th 09:00-17:00
Saturday 21st 09:00-17:00
Sunday 22nd 09:00-13:00
Monday 23rd 09:00-17:00
Tuesday 24th (Christmas Eve) 09:00-12:00
Wednesday 25th (Christmas Day) CLOSED
Thursday 26th (Boxing Day) CLOSED
Friday 27th CLOSED
Saturday 28th CLOSED
Sunday 29th CLOSED
Monday 30th  09:00-15:00
Tuesday 31st (New Years Eve) 09:00-13:00
Wednesday 1st (New Years Day) CLOSED
Thursday 2nd CLOSED
Friday 3rd CLOSED
Saturday 4th CLOSED
Sunday 5th CLOSED
Monday 6th 09:00-13:00

Open as usual